
Your Tarot Reading For February 18, 2020 is Temperance – Patience

Have you felt recently like it might be time for a detox? Or balancing?

Doing a tarot read on your energy, the Temperance card came out front and center and it’s usually a sign you might be out of balance in one or more areas.

Does that resonate with you? If so, the Temperance card asks you to take the middle path at this time.

And if you’ve been overindulging in any area (overeating, drinking, spending, or too much time in negative mindsets), it’s a reminder that it’s time to gently come back to your divine center.

Temperance helps you remember to stay calm and balanced, even in the face of stressful situations or people. It’s not the time to overdo, take a stand, or go to extremes.

Now the focus needs to be on bringing more patience, balance, and stabilization to your life, and allow the force of life to move through you.

There is a gentle alchemy to ease and allowance which helps to guide you forward toward your long-term vision.

To be best able to invite in the energy of Temperance, take an honest look at where you’ve been impatient, overdoing, numbing out with anything that doesn’t serve you, or where your life just feels out of whack.

Find ways to take time for healing yourself and getting yourself back to balance, whether that means detoxing from what doesn’t serve you or not engaging in controversy, high stress situations, or negative perspectives.

Temperance is all about you being the peacekeeper right now, and that means starting with peace within you.

Today’s Affirmation:

“I remain open to the Universe’s guidance on how to bring more balance and peace into my life. And I trust that I will be guided to solutions to avoid or remove people, things, or situations from my life that are stressing me out.”