
Your Intimate Angel Reading For March 01, 2020

Your prayers are being heard!

The Archangel Sandalphon is with you right now and wants you to know the Universe is listening to your prayers and your requests.

Sandalphon is the angel who acts as a conduit between heaven and earth for us.

He helps us interpret what we want and what we need, as well as how to manifest what is best for our highest good.

Not all prayers are in alignment with what is best for us.

And as the angel who works with the Akashic Records to determine what it is your soul truly needs at this time, Sandalphon looks for the most beneficial ways to support you now.

Even when we don’t feel like our prayers are being answered, there’s always a higher level reason at play.

You are being heard, and the divine realm is always supporting your highest and best outcome.

There’s an old saying, “sometimes the greatest gift is an unanswered prayer.”

And it’s Sandalphon’s job to allow the smooth communication from your heart and soul to heaven with discernment.

Remember when you were a kid, and you wished for all those things that in reality, you may not have needed?

Or think of the times you’ve asked for a particular relationship, job, or situation that in hindsight really wouldn’t have been the best thing for you?

That’s Sandalphon’s job, to help us get what exactly we need to help our souls path.

To help you even more deeply activate the divine power in your prayers, add this simple phrase for whatever you’re asking for:

“(Your prayer) in the name of the divine I request this or something better as it serves my soul’s highest and greatest good. I surrender into your wisdom. Thank you.”

Today’s Affirmation:

“I trust Sandalphon to guide me to ask for the things that are truly aligned with my path and the greater good. And I ask him to strengthen my connection to the divine.”

Repeat this affirmation to yourself a few times each day until you feel fully guided by Sandalphon on your soul’s path.