Do you ever feel like you came here to do something important? But you can’t figure out exactly what that is??

Today [DATE] Is The Day I Believe Your Story And Life Will Change [FIRSTNAME]...

Real Life MAGIC Is In The Air... Can You Feel It Stirring? Those Who Take Inspired ACTION Are Being Rewarded Right Now! 
My dear spirit, I believe you’ve been called upon for something special... 

... Maybe it’s to impact the lives of your family and friends by spreading love and light.

... Maybe it’s to start a business that provides coaching to others in need, or you start an online store selling mystical items you are passionate about.

... Or Maybe you have a book inside you waiting to be written, and a stage calling your name.

We haven’t met, but I’m certain there is a reason you landed in my circle today. I know this because I only attract those who radiate high energy, and are destined for GREATNESS.

Even if you can’t see it yourself, yet, or you’ve stopped believing it’s possible… I believe in you! 
You see, MAGIC is all around us... but so often we completely miss it because our focus and attention is somewhere else.

Like those past due bills, or the fight you had with a loved one earlier in the day, or your body aching and causing a lack of energy and passion. 

We drive right by these miracles all the time, racing around like a rat in a maze struggling to make ends meet. It’s so sad, and I too lived this way for most of my adult life! 

We’re so used to following norms and leading our lives according to some rules invented by people whose names we don’t even remember… we lose the alignment we have with ourselves, our conscience, our beliefs, and our Soul Path.

They pass us like fireflies, like shooting stars, and are gone before we even see them. 

And as we grow, we sink deeper and deeper into externally induced patterns, we almost forget who we are, and what our true calling is. 

We become shackled by our inner limitations of untrue beliefs that hold us back like a prison...

I don’t have what it takes
I’m not worthy
I’ll fail once again
Who am I lying to?
I don’t have the time
I don’t have the money
I don’t have the knowledge
When in reality…

You actually have them ALL! But they are so scattered, just like the pieces of your soul, you don’t even know where to begin putting them together!

This is why I've spent the last few years creating personalized Soul Reports for special people like you and me...
It will help you discover how to have the truly fulfilling romantic relationship with your soulmate that you’ve always dreamed of and deserve to have in this lifetime…

And it will show you the impact that challenging relationships with your mother or father can impact your ability to attract your soulmate (and not drive them away).

It will guide your way to learning about your health challenges and what you can do to overcome them.

And it will also reveal the most ideal career for your Soul Path in this lifetime.

You’ll discover the unique gifts that you came here to share with others so you can fulfill the mission you incarnated to achieve.

And you’ll uncover the hidden truths about blind spots that are hard to see in yourself.
Your Personalized Soul Path Report will also reveal the things that are holding you back in this lifetime… And what you can do to overcome them.
Here's what you’ll receive inside your
Personalized Soul Path Report:
Your Personality Soul Code shows you who you are at the core of your being including your gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime.
Your Vibrant Health Soul Code uncovers your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Your Love & Romance Soul Code helps you discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of.

It also explains how childhood wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want (and how to heal them).
Your Material Abundance Soul Code reveals the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
The Healing Power of Music will show you how music can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live. 

And much, much more personalized information tailored just for you!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...
And if you take inspired action today, [FIRSTNAME], You’ll save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 today only...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

The normal price is $39.95 for your Personalized Soul Path Report.

And people who paid that price were absolutely thrilled with the value and life-changing transformational results they experienced.

But today... you are seeing something special that will not last long...

As I said... my goal is to make this hands down one of the easiest decisions you've ever had to make so you can do your part in this CRUCIAL time on our planet (humanity NEEDS you to fulfill your mission, [Firstname])…

So Today You'll Receive
Your Personalized Soul Path Report
For Just $14.44!
Special Offer Ends In:
$39.95 Only $14.44
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!


365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

Everyone Loves Their Personalized Soul Path Report!

I’m giving you 365 days to try it out, and if you don’t love it, you won’t pay a dime.

Read every single word about your Soul Path in Your Personalized Soul Path Report and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to learn all about your destiny and life mission within the next full year…

Just write us a short message asking for your money back and we’ll refund every single penny of your investment in your mission-driven abundant future…

No questions asked or reasons needed.

That is because I know how much your Personalized Soul Path Report will help you as it has helped THOUSANDS of others to discover the life they were born to live!

Try Your Personalized Soul Path Report Risk-free for 365 days 
With Our “No Questions Asked” Guarantee

See What Our Members Have To Say:
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

You are also destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, [Firstname], and I’m going to make that as easy for you as possible.

So I’m giving you this program right now at a loss by giving your access for just $14.44.
Try your Personalized Soul Path Report and
Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95...
This truly is a special offer that you've come across my dear, so I hope you accept it as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the person God created you to be!

Your Personalized Soul Path Report was designed to help you do just that!

Imagine Yourself 1 Year from Now, [FIRSTNAME]

Walking Your Soul Path, Living A Fully Abundant Life, and Completing The Mission Only YOU Can Fulfill!
10 Minute Awakening is a 3-Week Program created by me and Johnathan, combining the soundwaves that stimulate your subconscious… and age old guided meditation techniques that monks teach in the Himalayas.

The only difference is… you DON’T have to become a master yogi or have a near-death experience to feel a powerful connection to the universe!

In just 10 minutes a day, you will unlock your full potential, tap into the power of your subconscious, and rewrite your mental programming to give you the life you want.

Just a few years ago, I had lost everything: my job, my home and almost my entire life...

10 Minute Awakening is the First System In the World to Combine this Enlightenment Inducing Soundwave Technology with Guided Meditation to Expand Your Reality, Discover Your Purpose, and Create the Life You Want Just 10 Minutes A Day!

That's right... it's all up to YOU.

YOU choose the life you’re going to live.

YOU determine the path in front of you.

And YOU take control over your future.

It all begins today, [FIRSTNAME].

So if you are ready to discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of (unveiled in your Love & Romance Soul Code)…

And to receive the vibrant health you truly deserve and are fully capable of having (revealed by your Vibrant Health Soul Code)…

And uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve, but has somehow always escaped you (shown in your Material Abundance Soul Code)...

Click the button to begin your magical journey of self-discovery now...
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