Message for [FIRSTNAME], 

whose Soul Path

Was Created on [DOB]...

Your Soul Chose This EXACT Moment for You
to Begin the Journey of Your Soul Path,


Are You Ready to FINALLY Create the Life of Your Dreams?
Have you ever felt goosebumps when you looked up at the sky at night?

Knowing deep in your soul that there is

magic in the stars above you?

I quickly learned that my abusive relationship with my father is what created the skewed beliefs that attracted the pattern of abusive relationships in my life.
Maria herself had also grown up in an abusive home.

And when she found the methods to begin healing her own trauma, it became her life mission to help other women to do the same.

Maria and these amazing women began to share the methods they had used to begin healing themselves from this destructive relationship cycle by removing the patterns from their own abusive childhoods.
I began learning about all types of ancient empowerment modalities including Astrology.

I had been somewhat interested in Astrology since I was a teenager and saw Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs at the library.

It was interesting, but that was all I knew.

She started teaching our support group all about the deeper layers of Astrology including houses and planetary placements in birth charts.

Maria explained that...


My story is intense, but it has magical ending.

Hi, my name is Aurora Starr.

Like most people, I didn’t have a perfect childhood.

Now… [FIRSTNAME], I don’t want you to feel sorry for me.

Or sad about anything that happened to me.

But... I know that my story MIGHT be a lot like yours.

And it is the journey that led me to taking back my power and discovering my divine soul’s purpose.

So I’m grateful that it happened exactly as it was supposed to!

My father was a severe alcoholic. And when he drank, he became incredibly violent.

He was always angry, even when he wasn’t drinking.
I remember him screaming at my brother and me every morning as we were getting ready for school.

We never could do anything right in his eyes.

He would yell that we didn’t clean up well enough. Our grades weren’t good enough. Nothing we did was enough.

He would throw his coffee cups across the room and they would shatter against the wall.

So when he threatened to throw us against the wall or “wring our necks,” we had no doubt that he might actually do that.
That is the mindset of terror 
we started off with every day 
at school. For years.
When he drank, it was much worse.

He would parade in front of us for hours each evening as we sat on the sofa, pacing back and forth, screaming about the government.

Instead of watching TV like most kids, we watched only one show…

The Crazy Dad Show (and it was a horror movie).

At least that’s how it started…

Then he began screaming at us.

My mom tried to get away from him, but he would follow her all over the house.

If she closed and locked a door, he would just slam his body against the door until it opened.

And then my brother and I would cower in fear as we heard her scream when he began to hit her.

A few years later, he began to hit my brother as well.

This kind of horrific violence caused ALL sorts of messed up beliefs about myself…
That I can never be enough.

That there isn’t enough love.

That relationships aren’t healthy.

And tons of other beliefs that weren’t true, but were very harmful.

I had zero self-esteem. And I had no friends in school.

For five years of my life, I was the last kid to get picked to be on a team in PE.
I was the most picked-on kid in my class.

In fifth grade, the boys called the girls “things”.

But not me. They called me “it”.

I was one of the smartest kids in my class, but that made things even worse.

I was called a teacher’s pet. And many names that were far worse.

I also started getting sick a lot from stress.
I had four broken ribs, a fractured wrist, a dislocated shoulder, a severe concussion, and bruises all over my body.
I was in the hospital for three weeks.

I know it sounds crazy... but THAT was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Because... when I was in the hospital, a nurse referred me to a holistic healer named Maria that had helped other women in abusive relationships.
There were times that I wasn’t that sick,
but I exaggerated my symptoms to stay home from school
and away from the mean kids who picked on me.
And that led to a LOT of health issues throughout my life (but I’ll get back to that later).

I was also incredibly bored, so I spent a ton of time daydreaming or drawing in the margins of my notebook.
Then something wonderful happened
that created a brand new world for me…
When I was in fifth grade, I had an amazing teacher I adored who began reading books to us after lunch each day.

And that became a world of escape for me.

She read Island of the Blue Dolphins and I longed to be on a deserted island alone with a sweet boy and away from my abusive father.

She read Little House on the Prairie.

And I devoured the entire series, imagining that I was Laura Wilder with a wonderful, loving family.

She read The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

And I read the complete Narnia series, getting lost in that mystical world.
For the moments I was reading these books, my life was full of beauty, magic, and wonder.
Reading books, especially fantasy books, was my only escape from my horrible life at home and at school.

I was so grateful that my mom let me go to the library after school each day so I could stay in my magical world for a while before I returned to my nightmare life at home.

I barely graduated high school (even though I had a very high IQ and was in gifted classes when I was young).

This was because I was so stressed, I couldn’t sleep well at night and I was always exhausted.

I was too tired to do my homework. (And I didn’t want to do it anyhow because I found it incredibly boring.)

I attended my town’s community college and was grateful they accepted me because my GPA was so bad.
And when I started dating, I was a walking doormat.
I only seemed to attract men who were abusive like my father.
It was as if they could smell my fear and were drawn by it like a predator is attracted to prey.

And I went from one violent relationship to the next in incredible misery because I didn’t value myself at all.

Deep inside I felt that I didn’t deserve to be happy.

And I had absolutely NO idea what a healthy relationship looks like. At ALL!

It was the same pattern. Relationship after relationship. Escalating violence every time.
Then... I met Paul.

Paul was so sweet... at first.

I REALLY believed things would be different with him. And they were...

until a month after we got married.

He came home really drunk one night after hanging out with some of his buddies at the local strip club.

And he started putting me down because I had gained about 15 pounds since we met.
And when I started dating, I was a walking doormat.
I only seemed to attract men who were abusive like my father.
I started crying and for some reason, that made him fly into a blind rage.

Before I knew it, he started hitting me until I was unconscious and threw me down the stairs.

When I woke up, I couldn’t move at first.

Paul had passed out on the sofa. I painfully pulled myself across the floor, grabbed my phone, crawled into the bathroom, and quietly called 911.

The paramedics and police arrived in what must have been a few minutes, but it felt like hours.

I went to the hospital. And Paul went to jail.

I was sent from the ER immediately to ICU.
I had four broken ribs, a fractured wrist, a dislocated shoulder, a severe concussion, and bruises all over my body.
I was in the hospital for three weeks.

I know it sounds crazy... but THAT was the best thing that ever happened to me.


Because... when I was in the hospital, a nurse referred me to a holistic healer named Maria that had helped other women in abusive relationships.
That was the turning 
point in my life.
Maria was a gifted healer. She knew all about herbology, acupuncture, Reiki, essential oils, meditation, and other natural healing modalities.

One day when I was seeing her for an appointment, she told me about a group of women she had helped who had also been in abusive relationships.
But with Maria’s help, they had healed some of their trauma patterns and were living much happier lives.
They had a support group and she invited me to join.

When I went to my first meeting, I was nervous, but soon felt like I had found my Soul Sisters. It was amazing!

I learned so much from these incredibly empowered women who had turned their lives around.
I quickly learned that my abusive relationship with my father is what created the skewed beliefs that attracted the pattern of abusive relationships in my life.
Maria herself had also grown up in an abusive home.

And when she found the methods to begin healing her own trauma, it became her life mission to help other women to do the same.

Maria and these amazing women began to share the methods they had used to begin healing themselves from this destructive relationship cycle by removing the patterns from their own abusive childhoods.
I began learning about all types of ancient empowerment modalities including Astrology.

I had been somewhat interested in Astrology since I was a teenager and saw Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs at the library.

It was interesting, but that was all I knew.

She started teaching our support group all about the deeper layers of Astrology including houses and planetary placements in birth charts.

Maria explained that...
The moment you are born is the time that your
Soul knew would be the most optimal
for your divine purpose in this lifetime.
The placement of the planets at the exact moment you leave the womb and enter this world creates a blueprint for your Soul Path, the divine mission you incarnated to fulfill.

Maria said that we were moving toward a new Golden Age and that it was important for each of us to do our part in helping humanity with this transition.

She wanted to teach us all everything she knew about Astrology so we could make sure that we were ready for this time that was coming soon.

Maria taught us how many ancient civilizations used Astrology to make important decisions like when to plant crops or the best dates for important events.

The Egyptians built the pyramids to be aligned with the North Pole of the sky to serve as an astrological guide.
Royalty throughout history had resident astrologers who advised them on important decisions like when to go to war
or when it would be better to negotiate with enemies instead.
In India, people have used Vedic astrology for centuries to decide who was compatible for marriage.

And I’m sure you’ve heard of the Mayan calendar which is also based on the cycles of time that the planets rule.

I learned as much as I could from Maria. But I wanted to know much more!
So my childhood love of the library returned!
I read EVERYTHING I could find about Astrology!
I was fascinated!

I spent hours studying ephemerises and even astronomy books. I learned how to create natal (birth) charts…

How to read the constellations in the night sky…

And I created birth charts for all of my friends.

One of the most important things I learned was that astrology holds the keys to learning so many important things about who you are…

Your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses…

How you interact in relationships…

Your karma from past lifetimes…

And most importantly, your divine Soul Path - the purpose your soul chose to fulfill in this lifetime.

I learned that our souls choose the family to be born into…
We pick the one that will best prepare us for our soul’s journey.
And we often pick families to work out karma from past lifetimes.

So... did I have an abusive father because of something I did to him in a past life???

I have no idea!

But… I do believe it was so that I could learn how to overcome my traumatic childhood so I could help others to do the same.
Souls who are healers often choose extremely rough paths in life so they can help others heal!
And here is another thing I believe with all my heart…

The strongest souls often choose these difficult paths for their incarnations because they are the only ones able to handle it.

And heal from it.

And THAT is EXACTLY what I did!

But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself…

I wasn’t there yet…

Astrology helped me learn about my Soul Path...

My karmic baggage...

And my strengths and weaknesses…

But… it DIDN’T give me the tools to overcome my childhood trauma.

Thankfully, something else did!

I’ll get to that in just a minute…

Let me get back to Astrology for right now though. I have a bit more to share with you about that…

I began doing Soul Path readings for other women and also began offering life coaching.

And my clients experienced the same thing as me…

They discovered their Soul Path, uncovered their personality, revealed their karmic baggage, and more...

And they wanted to heal their childhood trauma patterns…

But… they didn’t know how.

And I didn’t know how either.

At least not yet...

Then something truly magical happened completely unexpectedly...

I was fascinated!

I spent hours studying ephemerises and even astronomy books. I learned how to create natal (birth) charts…

How to read the constellations in the night sky…

And I created birth charts for all of my friends.

One of the most important things I learned was that astrology holds the keys to learning so many important things about who you are…

Your personality, your strengths, your weaknesses…

How you interact in relationships…

Your karma from past lifetimes…

And most importantly, your divine Soul Path - the purpose your soul chose to fulfill in this lifetime.

Amber exuded confidence and
was absolutely stunning!
She and I had both been so awkward as kids.

Each not fitting in with our peers, being constantly picked on.

With horrible self-esteem from our traumatic family situations.

Her dad wasn’t abusive, but he left when she was five.

Almost never called her.

Even forgot her birthday some years.

Made tons of promises he never kept.
Amber and I had bonded deeply
as soul sisters when we were kids.
We connected through our shared trauma and felt safe and supported with each other.

Until she moved away.

It was heart-wrenching for both of us!

I’ll never forget her waving goodbye from the backseat of her mom’s green station wagon.

She stuck her head as far out the window as she could while still buckled in her seatbelt.

We both “ugly” cried as her mom drove away and the car faded from my view.
I had goosebumps. For some unknown reason,
I KNEW that this was a pivotal moment
that would change my life forever...
Amber didn’t drop out of school. She graduated with honors!

She received a full scholarship to the top university in our state and graduated with a degree in biology.

Then she went on to get her Master’s degree and Doctorate in Neuroscience!

I was in AWE!

My cousin Amber was a badass!

She told me how she had specialized in the emerging field of mind-body connection.
Her dissertation was on how sound frequencies
impact the brain and the resulting 
effects on the body.
We sat in that corner booth and talked for FOUR hours!

As we shared our life stories, we realized that we both had been in bad relationships for years…

But they were different!
Because her father abandoned her, she 
attracted men who left her because she 
clung too tightly.
Her fear of them leaving became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

“But you have a wedding ring on…” I said with a confused look on my face.

“Ah... yes,” she said smiling. “I broke my pattern. Because I healed my trauma.”

“How?” I gasped!

Amber told me about neuroplasticity which means that the brain can heal, change, adapt, and even grow new neural pathways.
She also explained that the combination of different sound frequencies and guided meditations (using something I had never heard of - “Neurolinguistic Programming”)...

is able to bypass our conscious thoughts and speak directly to the subconscious (which is critical because 95% of the brain operates on this subconscious level).
And THAT specific combination can
heal our limiting beliefs by removing them
and replacing them with beliefs of abundance!
“We can try to change our beliefs that come from traumatic experiences with our conscious thoughts,” Amber continued, “but it just doesn’t work!”

“At best it will help temporarily...

but... then the old unhealthy patterns creep back in and start driving our negative behavior again because they are HARDWIRED into the neural pathways of the brain…”
“This is why so many people try 
things like mantras, or yoga, or 
the Law of Attraction... and it just 
doesn’t work for them.”
“But what does work…” she continued, “is this combination of sound frequencies and guided meditations!”

“THAT is what healed my untrue beliefs that ‘there isn’t enough,’ that ‘I’m not enough’ - the beliefs that had made me cling too tightly and chase men away. Over and over again.”

I was fascinated!
Amber had found the secret key I had been missing
to unlock and remove the stubborn beliefs my clients and I
had developed from our traumatic childhood experiences!
Wow! My mind was BLOWN!

And ideas started racing through my head…
Maybe Amber and I could combine
her superpower of healing neuroscience technology with my superpower of Astrology!
I shared this idea with her and she exclaimed...

“YES!! Let’s do it! It will help SO many people!”

We began passionately working together on this project, driven like two hungry bears in pursuit of a giant pot of honey…

Because we knew the enormous impact this program will have in changing TONS of people’s lives!
And Amber and I created a program that combines personalized Soul Readings and coaching that empowers people to live in alignment with their Soul Path...

PLUS cutting-edge NLP guided meditations and sound frequencies that empower the brain to remove unhealthy patterns...

and override them with positive new abundance scripts.
We KNEW that this combination would help
people to discover their Soul Path..
AND give them the perfect tools to remove
the hardwired, negative programs that were
holding them back from living their destiny!
We wanted it to be simple and easy because people are busy (especially if their lives aren’t yet in a place of abundance and freedom).
So Amber and I created a program that would give people incredible results in JUST 10 minutes each day!

And we based everything we did on Amber’s research because it was scientifically PROVEN to work!

When she was working on her doctorate, Amber discovered a TON of scientific proof showing how powerful this technology actually IS (more on that in a moment)...

We decided to test our new program and had 77 volunteers fill out a questionnaire and have a brain scan before and after testing our program for three weeks.

And the results were ASTOUNDING!

Every single volunteer told us that they felt like a new person at the end of the 21-day test!

They not only now knew their life purpose from discovering their Soul Path...

they also had healed their negative trauma patterns and were now making huge strides in actually LIVING their Soul Path!
A single mom with three kids discovered that her Soul Path was to be an author who empowers others. She finished her first self-help book during the third week of the experiment!
A grandmother who hadn’t seen her grandkids in three years repaired her relationship with her daughter and now babysits her favorite tiny people every weekend. She cried tears of joy when she told us!
A 27-year-old waitress finally had the confidence to pursue her career as a songwriter and signed a record deal the week after the experiment ended!
Amber and I were BLOWN AWAY by their results!
We had discovered the SECRET KEY
to empower people to actually FULFILL 
their DESTINY...
in ONLY 10 Minutes a DAY, simply relaxing with headphones and letting the audios do all the work!

And we decided to call our program Soul Manifestation 2.0.

So… what is it exactly?
Soul Manifestation 2.0 is a Personalized Program
Based on The Day You Incarnated in this Lifetime to Empower You to Discover and Live Your Soul Path, Overcome Past Trauma, and Unlock Your Divine Potential...
Utilizing Ancient Astrological Practices + Modern Neuroscience Combined!
Soul Manifestation is a 3-Week Program Amber and I created, combining soundwaves that connect directly with your subconscious… and 2000-year-old ancient astrology secrets.

But the difference is… you DON’T have to become a master astrologer to feel a powerful connection to the universe!
This personalized program is created from hidden information that was downloaded directly from the Universe on [DOB] to guide you on your Soul Path. 

It will unlock your full potential and empower you to live your destiny.
he volunteers for our experiment with absolutely ZERO EXPERIENCE had brain scans identical to life-long monks after just a few minutes of listening to these powerful vibrational audios.
Just a few years ago, I was in the ICU, broken and bruised, after years of one violent relationship after another.

I had NO sense of purpose. I was just drifting from one nightmare to the next.
Now... My Life Is Completely Different!
I have a thriving life coaching business and my clients are FINALLY creating their dream lives and fulfilling their Soul Paths.

I have regular speaking gigs sharing this powerful information with large companies who pay me up to $100,000 for a weekend workshop.

(And they say it is worth EVERY PENNY because their employees are happier, more productive, and healthier!)

Here is the crazy thing... I met my soulmate at one of these workshops on the other side of the planet!

Each step in my journey has led me to the next important step. And my life just keeps getting more and more magical every single day.
You can live your Soul Path too… with your DREAM career, walking hand-in-hand through life with your soulmate, helping humanity shift into this new Golden Age by fulfilling your DESTINY.
Absolutely anything you choose to manifest in your life can be yours, now that you have the power to tap into this
Powerful Vibrational Technology
and Live YOUR Soul Path.
Here's How The Program Works:
Week 1
You’ll start by going through your Personalized Soul Path Report to discover your divine purpose for incarnating in this lifetime.

Then you’ll begin reaching into your subconscious mind, using both the Vibrational Phenomenon and guided meditation together.

We’ll go deep into your subconscious using Alpha and Theta wave stimulation directly from Amber’s proven research.

You’ll also begin mastering the art of visualization, empowering your mind to truly SEE and CREATE the life you’re destined to live.

And there is NO waiting period: you get results on the very first day!

The Alpha and Theta waves stimulated in your brain will induce increased learning, focus, calmness, healing, and rapid changes deep in your brain.
Week 2
Next, in Week 2, it’s time to re-discover and empower yourself.

Your life has been a challenge [FIRSTNAME], but we’re going to fix that.

We’ll dive deep into your past memories and subconscious belief systems, uncovering the pain and stress you’ve been carrying with you…
And we’ll remove your childhood trauma patterns...

So that we can finally erase ALL of that pain that is holding you back and give you a brand new life!

Your Soul Path is already beginning…
Week 3
Finally, in Week 3, your permanent and magical transformation begins.

You build your dream life in vivid detail, creating a life story that connects you with your Soul Path so you can fulfill your destiny with a life full of joy and abundance.

And all of this powerful transformation happens in just 10 minutes a day, using the Vibrational Frequencies Amber tested that connects us directly to the manifestation frequency of the Universe!
Just Imagine
Will Feel Like When You Are
Truly Walking on Your Divine Soul Path
What will your life look like a year 
from now, [FIRSTNAME]?
A whole lot can happen in 1 year!

You can erase old trauma patterns, remove untrue limiting beliefs from your subconscious, and rewire the neural pathways in your brain so you can…
Start your perfect fulfilling career, meet your soulmate, or move into your dream home.
And… it will be so much easier than anything you’ve EVER tried before.
Amber’s powerful brainwave stimulation
technology will instantly tap into your 
subconscious mind…
And even though this powerful program will drastically change your life over the course of 3 weeks…
You’ll begin to manifest LIFE-TRANSFORMING results IMMEDIATELY.
Your life will start coming into alignment with your Soul Path on the very first day!
You will begin to feel a HUGE shift in your life…

And you’ll begin to see, as stress slowly slips away into your past, that your future is looking brighter than ever.
And your audios are transforming you, day by day, deeper and more powerfully every time you listen.

Here is a Life-Transforming story from one of our students who used the Soul Manifestation 2.0 program that Amber and I created and had FANTASTIC results...
“Absolutely amazing! It really works! The secret didn’t do anything for me, but this is a whole nother level of power.”
Rachael H.
Soul Manifestation 2.0 has helped thousands of people begin walking their Soul Paths, creating beautiful new lives full of abundance. 

And as Amber and I have seen for ourselves… it can work for ANYONE.
I know this magical transformation will 
happen for you for 2 important 
Amber and I have over 7 years of research and testing, healing and empowering people all over the world.
Amber and I have over 7 years of research and testing, healing and empowering people all over the world.
That’s because we’re going to give you the ultimate shortcut to happiness and abundance… 

a secret that I only discovered after ending up in the ICU and my destined meeting with Amber.

Now... if you’re ready to get started and begin changing your life right now, go ahead and click that button below.

It allows you to save 88% on the normal cost of this incredible life-changing system today only!

Now... if you want to learn more about how this program physically changes and grows your brain, keep reading…
But... prepare to have your mind blown...
Remember those Theta waves I mentioned earlier… the secret to erasing negativity (including trauma patterns) in your brain even if you’ve been struggling with self-esteem issues your entire life…

In our childhood years, from 0 to 7-years-old, we spend most of our time in Alpha and Theta brainwave cycles, which is the same state that a person is in when they are in hypnosis or meditation.
So… imagine your younger self walking around in a permanent state of hypnosis, being programmed by the environment, open to suggestion, in a super learning state.

These are the years in which we form our beliefs, about ourselves and others. And many of these beliefs will remain unconscious throughout the rest of our lives.


The beliefs we form in these pivotal childhood years constantly show up in:
Our behaviors
Our achievements
Our goals
Our choice of friends
And our choice of romantic partners

And this is exactly why, for so many years, I was wondering... “Why do I attract abusive relationships into my life?”
It’s not that I wanted them or enjoyed them...

But... this is what I attracted into my life because I was programmed from my childhood to believe that this is what I deserved…

Of course, NO ONE deserves horrific experiences.

Thankfully, you can erase these limiting subconscious patterns and beliefs without erasing the memories that are a crucial part of your upbringing…

If you do an online search on the National Library of Medicine Website you’ll find more than 40,000 studies on brain reprogramming, with almost 13,000 of them focusing solely on brain reprogramming using frequency tracks and meditation techniques.

And the best part?

More than 90% of these studies have been successful, including ones conducted at Harvard, Stanford,
and by the US Military.
So… your childhood trauma healing process is nothing more than stimulating the brain to rewire itself in order to eliminate harmful beliefs that have been guiding your actions on a subconscious level for YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.

Now think for a moment… how many times have you sabotaged yourself?

How many times have you thought:
I’m not good enough
I’m not pretty enough
I don’t have enough experience
I don’t deserve this
I’m not worthy of happiness

And the thing that’s missing from the sentences above is…
Because... your brain was programmed with these untrue beliefs when you were a child…

During those early childhood years, when your brain is mainly functioning in alpha and theta frequencies, you absorbed beliefs like a sponge (whether they were true or NOT)…

Because this is how these frequencies act...

THETA wave frequencies measure 4 to 7 cycles per second and are predominant in children aged between 2 and 6.

Children operating in Theta frequencies are very connected to their internal world.

They live in the realm of imagination, daydreaming, and still not able to show signs of critical, rational thinking.

This is a super learning state, where the child is open to suggestions.

Children in Theta state are likely to accept what you tell them as true. People in hypnosis and animals are also in this frequency.
ALPHA waves become predominant between ages 5 to 8, with 8 to 13 cycles per second.

This is the point at which the analytical mind begins to form and children begin to interpret and draw conclusions from their environment.
And the inner world of imagination tends to be as real as the outer world of reality.

Children in this age group tend to have a foot in both worlds, using both left and right brain hemispheres at the same time.

People who meditate or who are in a light trance are in this frequency, which is peaceful and relaxed, though alert with powerful ideas and inspiration.

Remember earlier when I mentioned those magical moments in life where time seems to stand still and you feel connected with everything in the Universe?
And how there is a way you can access
that magical state ANY TIME YOU WISH?
This is the answer, [FIRSTNAME]...

And to show you how that works, I’m going to share some of the scientific information I learned from Amber about how frequencies affect our brainwaves...

Think about this for a moment…
How many times have you heard the phrases
“I’m getting good vibes” or “raise your vibration”?
They might seem weird at first...

But... when you analyze the scientific research behind them, you realize there is nothing more powerful than vibration.

And there is nothing in the world that touches ALL of us at the same time, at the same level, as vibration!

You see…

When you look up the vibration in the dictionary, it’s far more than the limited definition you’ll see there...

“periodic back-and-forth motion of the particles of an elastic body or medium, commonly resulting when almost any physical system is displaced from its equilibrium condition and allowed to respond to the forces that tend to restore equilibrium.”

Nothing challenging

Nothing new

Nothing that separates this concept from any other physics concept that governs our Universe

And yet…
It has become the very foundation of what philosopher David Chalmers called the hard problem of consciousness, in his 1996 book: “The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory.”

His paper sets out to explore the “mind-body problem,” which essentially asks:
And him calling it hard is to emphasize the difference between neuroscience discoveries and understanding... and HOW consciousness is related to matter.
One thing we all know by now 
is that our entire universe is constantly vibrating. 
On large scales and at atomic levels.

It is the silver lining connecting everything. And we’re not just saying it figuratively.

Vibrations can be put in two categories: particle and string vibration.

Both happen at the same time and they might be similar...

However... while particle vibration affects only the particle involved, string vibration is the one connecting all things in the universe.

Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact:


at various frequencies. And the motion generated is called resonance.

It has become the very foundation of what philosopher David Chalmers called the hard problem of consciousness, in his 1996 book: “The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory.”

His paper sets out to explore the “mind-body problem,” which essentially asks:
ALL matter is just vibrations of various
 underlying fields.
Which in turn proves that all of nature 

An interesting thing happens when two differently vibrating things come together...

Just like hot and cold water, when mixed together, reach the same temperature, becoming ONE…
Different vibrating things, in 
proximity, start to vibrate together at 
the same frequency. They simply
 “sync up.”
To some people, this might seem mysterious like something taken out of a magic book of spells.

And yet (and I know you will get this because you are [a/an SIGN]…

It is an extremely simple phenomenon called spontaneous self-organization.

And you can find it everywhere around you, as mathematician Steven Strogatz showed it in his book “Sync: How Order Emerges from Chaos in the Universe, Nature, and Daily Life”:

The moon’s rotation is exactly synced with its orbit around the Earth, making us always see the same side
Lasers are created when photons of the same power and frequency sync up
Some fireflies, when in large groups, start flashing in sync, creating a mystical landscape before your very eyes

Let’s Dive Deeper into High Vibration vs Low Vibration Frequencies...

This is where it REALLY gets intriguing, [FIRSTNAME]…
Different types of 
vibrations create
different effects…
You can observe this yourself if you take a piece of black cardboard, place it on a speaker and sprinkle some salt, sand, or baking soda on it and then hit “play”.

You will see the amazing effects of vibrations through a process called cymatics…

Some sounds will create large, boring shapes.

Some vibrations though…

will create amazingly beautiful and intricate designs that will mesmerize all your senses and draw you in like a magnet.

These specific patterns (no two are ever the same, just like snowflakes) are created by higher vibrations and frequencies.
And the best experiment ever created to
demonstrate this was that of Dr. Masaru Emoto.
He analyzed the power of our words, their meaning, and their direct relationship with the vibrations they emit.
Similar to the sand cymatics experiment, Dr. Emoto analyzed the patterns created when the water froze.

However... the water had been previously exposed to different words before it was frozen...
Without any personal involvement

Without any emotion

Without any voice modulation

Dr. Emoto spoke to the water.

He said positive things like:

And also negative words like:
And when he watched the ice crystals form under the microscope, the images astounded him…
The different water glasses exposed 
to kind words had created amazing,
delicate, intricate, beautiful designs.
But those exposed to harsh words created blobs of ice that were:

The reason behind this?
Higher and lower vibrations of energy
are released by the words themselves.
Dr. Emoto proved that positivity, compassion, hope, and love have higher vibrations than fear, hate, and negativity.

Our words are incredibly powerful!

Vibrations occur at every level throughout our vast and constantly expanding universe.

And... it is up to each of us to understand their applicability...

In our lives
In our thoughts
In our processes
In our meditation
And in our manifestation
And this is the exact thing that will happen
when your conscious AND subconscious mind
work together to create the life you want.
Because attracting abundance in your life requires your brain’s full power, Amber and I created everything you need to finally experience the joy, happiness, and love you want.
This is why our program Soul Manifestation 2.0 is the only proven way to get the full benefit of the Law of Attraction and manifestation.
We not only help you discover your Soul Path,
we give you the tools to help you LIVE it!!
It might seem improbable, but it’s EXTREMELY SIMPLE...
You will achieve the power to rewire your brain
on a physical level, so that all subconscious
traumatic memories (and the resulting negative
 beliefs) are deleted. Forever!
This will make YOU a brand new person
 and help you create the abundant life you
 have always dreamed of - FINALLY!
Some of the Soul Manifestation 2.0 program audios trigger Theta waves with soundwave stimulation technology based on synced vibrations. And this causes the subconscious mind to “open up” and activate!

This enables us to rewire negative thoughts and eliminate and transform painful memories.

All with the help of guided meditation.
How would you feel in just 21 days, when you’ve finally erased the negative beliefs caused by your childhood trauma patterns and replaced them with a higher state of consciousness, focus, creativity, and happiness?
It’s COMPLETELY possible...

because the soundwave stimulation technology Amber discovered has allowed us to trigger both Theta and Alpha waves together…
Everything You Want Already Exists…
You Just Have to Bring It Into Your Life!
Think about the deeply-connected,
beautiful, loving relationship you always dreamed of…

and how you’d feel living in your dream home…

...with an abundance of financial
security and freedom!
And here’s the secret to obtaining them…
ALL of these things already exist!
You just have to attract them into your own life. Like a magnet!
After all, what’s the real difference between a millionaire and a person who is broke and broken?
I’ve been both, and I can tell you that it’s not something different about your DNA (or even your childhood)…
It’s simply a matter of the mind… and its ability to attract material abundance!
And it’s not just true for money.
Whether you want to discover your purpose in life, experience closer, more meaningful relationships, or simply enjoy more happiness and love…
ALL of it is waiting for you...
EVERY single miraculous bit of your dream life is waiting for you to draw it into YOUR life!
Amber and I are so excited to be able to share this powerful healing technology with you…
So that you will finally have the hidden key to attracting & creating your beautiful, abundant dream life, with Soul Manifestation 2.0.

And even though this technology plus guided meditation technique is incredibly powerful on its own...

Without your Personalized Soul Path Report to help you discover exactly who you are and how to approach your life in all of the most important areas (like health, wealth, romance, and more)...
you won’t truly be able to set yourself free from the chains holding you back from living your dream life.
Soul Path Shortcut Bonus #1: Melt Away Stress
[FIRSTNAME], I know you haven’t been getting the results you want.

It’s NOT your fault.

And it’s not because it’s too hard.

But your brain is naturally in the wrong frequency.

And… when your life is filled with stress, this triggers high beta/gamma waves which have been directly linked to addiction and anxiety.

Your dream life already exists.

Your Soul Path is waiting to be discovered and FULLY lived.
All you have to do is remove the negative beliefs
that are keeping the beautiful new life
you were BORN to live just out of reach.
And it ONLY takes 10 minutes a day!
The best part is, it will cost you practically nothing at all today…
And that’s not all...

Because as a special thank you for reading this entire presentation right now, I’m also going to include some incredible bonus programs to fast track you on your Soul Path…
When you try Soul Manifestation 2.0 today, 

you’ll also receive over $577 in free gifts!
Bonus #1: 
Soul Sleep Restoration
Bonus #1 is a powerful audio program that helps you relax and drift off quickly and easily into deep restorative sleep.
It’s called Soul Sleep Restoration, and will help you easily receive the healing power of the deeper cycles of sleep!
You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated, with abundant energy to fuel your day.
Bonus #2: 
Now, the next step in your transformation is Bonus #2: Soul Affirmations.

The powerful affirmations in this audio will affirm your journey on your Soul Path, lighting your way toward fulfilling your destiny.

Listening will bring your brain into synchronization with your Soul Path so your new life unfolds effortlessly in alignment with your true life purpose.
Bonus #3: Magical Signs & Numbers Handbook
Do you wonder what it means when you see repeating numbers such as 11:11 or 4:44?

Are you curious what it means when certain animals appear in your life or your dreams?

This empowering handbook will guide your way to interpreting the language the Universe uses to communicate with you, giving you divine guidance on your Soul Path.
And if you take inspired action today, [FIRSTNAME],
you’ll also receive these powerful Soul Path Shortcut Bonuses
to help you begin walking your Soul Path
and living your dream life even more quickly and effortlessly...
Soul Path Shortcut Bonus #1: Melt Away Stress
This is a powerful Theta Wave program that uses miraculous vibrations to induce an instant calming effect. It goes deeper and becomes more relaxing each time you listen.

It’s called Melt Away Stress, and for many people, it’s far more effective than a candlelight bubble bath, especially if your life is stressful and busy! 

Negativity simply melts away as these soundwaves wash over your mind.

It’s the easiest and fastest way to relieve stress and relax… much more quickly than a $200 massage. No appointment needed!
The next bonus is The Flow State.

Remember those alpha waves I mentioned earlier that generate more creativity, focus, and overall power in your brain?

This bonus program rapidly triggers your brain’s alpha waves to give you a huge boost in focus and mental clarity.
If you’re trying to build your new career path, write a book, or simply tap into your full potential for creativity and focus, this program is an absolute necessity for you!
I personally use The Flow State every day before working with my clients… because without it, I’m only giving them about 30% of my full potential.
Soul Path Shortcut Bonus #3: Purify and Cleanse
The last bonus is Purify and Cleanse. It uses gamma wave technology to spark a DEEP change and true purification in your body, all the way down to the cellular level.

This frequency is incredibly powerful and transformative. I’ve seen it cleanse those in pain and rejuvenate the most exhausted, overworked people around.
I want to share two more stories from our 
students whose lives have been 
transformed by Soul Manifestation 2.0…
I had been abused since I was four years old in all areas of abuse. I am now 50 years old. I am on my own now with my children and am finally getting to speak for myself. I am getting to find out what I like to do and what I want in life. So I am creating me.
Edie T.
I had been abused since I was four years old in all areas of abuse. I am now 50 years old. I am on my own now with my children and am finally getting to speak for myself. I am getting to find out what I like to do and what I want in life. So I am creating me.
Michelle C.
I want you to have this kind of transformative 
experience in YOUR life, [FIRSTNAME].
So I’m going to make this decision 
EXTREMELY EASY for you. Because I’m 
going to remove all the risk for you so you
don’t need to worry...
I want you to have this kind of transformative 
experience in YOUR life, [FIRSTNAME].
And I want YOU to have the same certainty so you feel safe...
That’s why I’m taking all the risk and giving
 you a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Even though you’ll begin to experience a powerful transformation from the very first session, maybe even in the first few minutes...

If you don't believe it was worth this small investment in your future (and more) - I’ll refund your entire purchase, no questions asked.

This program has helped thousands of people like you [FIRSTNAME] to finally get the results you deserve in a way unlike anything you’ve ever tried before.
Amber & I spent three years of hard work
to develop Soul Manifestation 2.0 for you, [FIRSTNAME]... but we’re giving it away for only $44.44 today!
We invested thousands of hours in research and testing...

And hundreds of thousands of dollars in program development paying our powerful team of experts - audio engineers, neuroscientists, and meditation and astrology consultants.

And we did this to ensure we created a program that would work easily for ANYONE in just 10 minutes a day.
We personally used ourselves
as "test dummies" to refine everything, and used
our own personal results as a guiding light along the way.
And we conducted that study I mentioned earlier with 77 volunteers. Do you know how much 154 before and after brain scans cost? OUCH!

But… we didn’t want to offer this to anyone UNTIL we KNEW that it worked QUICKLY and EASILY for everyone who used it... in just 10 minutes a day!

I spent years trying to meditate and never once reached the deep meditative trance that Soul Manifestation 2.0 triggers on the very first day.
Soul Manifestation 2.0 is an incredibly powerful system that will help you live the fully abundant life you were born to live…
And Amber and I are giving it to you for less than HALF the normal price today.
Our students who get the fastest and most powerful results use the Personalized Soul Path Report and
the Soul Manifestation 2.0 Program together.
Your Personalized Soul Path Report will help you discover your divine purpose in this lifetime.

And the Soul Manifestation 2.0 Program will empower you to remove the negative trauma programming from your childhood that is blocking you from actually LIVING your Soul Path and attracting your Dream Life.

So we have decided to offer these two complementary tools (plus all of the bonuses) together for a deeply discounted price of $44.44 for a limited time.
Our students who get the fastest and most powerful results use the Personalized Soul Path Report and
the Soul Manifestation 2.0 Program together.
Repeating numbers each have special meanings (and you’ll learn a TON more about this fascinating subject in the bonus Magical Signs & Number Handbook)...

The number 4444 is an incredibly powerful number.

When 4444 appears in your life, it can indicate that your guides are with you, that you are at a crossroads in your life about a major decision,

and... that if you make the correct decision, your years of hard work will pay off very quickly and in a HUGE way!
And to help you get results even more quickly… you’ll receive all the bonus gifts I mentioned earlier, worth over $597:

And in reality, this program won’t cost you anything at ALL because it is actually an investment in your future…

It will give you the tools you need to create a life of plenitude and abundance so that you very quickly receive dramatic results that change your life quickly and easily.
We are on a mission to change the world.
And we want everyone to be able to access this right now.
That’s why we’re giving away this transformative program that will empower you to live your Soul Path for just $44.44!
We don’t want price to prevent anyone from walking their true Soul Path and living their dreams by using this amazing program.

Currency is an energy exchange like an electrical current going through the cosmos.

This magical number of $44.44 sends the vibration of your commitment to your Soul Path directly to the Universe.

And the Universe meets you more than halfway, sending divine messengers to guide you on your divine mission of fulfilling your Soul Path.

So we are offering this reduced price for a limited time to help everyone during this powerful time on our planet...

So please, don’t miss this opportunity
to fulfill your mission in this powerful transition…
because YOU are NEEDED to do your part in this shift!
We want as many people as possible to be empowered to fulfill their role in helping humanity move into this new Golden Age that astrologers knew was coming for thousands of years.

Each of us is unique. We each have a divine purpose our Soul chose to fulfill in this specific lifetime.

And when we begin living that purpose for real…

That is when miraculous and magical things begin to happen!

When you are living out of alignment with your true Soul Path, you are robbing others of receiving your gifts, of receiving YOU as you truly are!

And you are actually letting humanity down.
How would you feel if you looked back
on this crucial time in the evolution of our planet,
knowing you didn’t do your part because you didn’t even
KNOW what your Soul Path IS or How to Live It?
Once you see the powerful impact of this program, you will be SHOCKED at how your life begins unfolding beautifully before your eyes.

Imagine having the tools to discover your divine Soul Path…

Imagine removing the negative trauma programs that are holding you back…

Replacing your negative subconscious programming with positivity…

And beginning to manifest the beautiful and fulfilling life you truly deserve.

That’s EXACTLY what will happen when you try Soul Manifestation 2.0 today!
ALL of our lives depend on it 
So… Just TRY it. What do you have to lose?
Discover Your DIVINE Purpose and Create a
Passionate, Purpose-Driven Life in Just 10 Minutes a Day.
You are at a pivotal moment in your life, [FIRSTNAME].

And you Only Have 2 Choices in this Moment...

You can stay where you are and relive the same negative patterns over and over again…

Or you can choose to discover the REAL divine purpose you incarnated to fulfill in this lifetime. And give yourself the PERFECT tools to actually LIVE the life you were BORN to live...

If you don’t make a change now, you might end up looking back on this moment with regret.

And the rest of your life will be like today.

And you’ll never know (and live) your full potential.

I hope you choose to honor your future self and your divine birthright and make the empowered choice to fulfill your destiny, [FIRSTNAME].

My intuition tells me you will.
Let me address a few questions Amber and I have received,
just in case you’re still wondering if Soul Manifestation 2.0,
your Personalized Soul Path Report,
and the life-changing bonuses are really right for you.
“How long until I see results?”
When we tested this technology in the lab, many students had a calm, relaxed feeling and a deep meditative state within two or three minutes.

In less than one week, you should experience a significant improvement in your stress, anxiety, and self-doubt.

And by the end of the 3-week program, you will have a COMPLETELY NEW LIFE... guaranteed!
“I’m extremely busy. Can I still do this?”

There are no complicated exercises and no extra work for you.

Simply allow Soul Manifestation 2.0 to trigger subconscious changes in your mind. It LITERALLY takes only 10 minutes, and anyone can do it, no matter how busy they are.

I wanted to create a program that gave people the kind of deep meditation and lifelong transformation that usually takes YEARS to unlock… and I’m so happy to say that we did it!
“Do I need a special computer or smartphone?”
No! Any device will let you listen to these binaural beats and guided meditation tracks. iPhones, Android Phones, Mac, Windows… any device will work.
“The Secret didn’t work for me. Will Soul Manifestation work?”
Great question!

These other programs often fail because they focus on your CONSCIOUS brain - the 5% of your mind, the “little voice inside your head.”

But Soul Manifestation 2.0 unlocks the full power of 100% of your brain by triggering real changes in your SUBCONSCIOUS.

You don’t have to stand in the mirror and repeat mantras all day long. Simply let the subconscious transformation bring you the Universal gifts you want.
“How does the 60-day money-back guarantee work?”
It’s very simple:

If you don’t LOVE your magical transformation for ANY reason, Amber and I will give you a full refund.

Seriously, we won’t even ask you “why” you want your money back.

We are on a mission to do everything we can to help you walk your Soul Path and create your Dream Life… so we’re taking 100% of the risk here.

We’re welcoming you with open arms.

All you have to do is say “YES!”

Click the button below to try Soul Manifestation 2.0 and begin living your DESTINY beginning TODAY.

Get started now.