I’m so Excited for You [FIRSTNAME]!
You are Making Empowered Choices on Your Soul Path to Create Your Dream Life!
I know you will not even recognize your life in a few months.

Many of your current friends and family will be astounded at the huge changes that are coming in your life!

And I have something very special that I haven’t yet shared with you yet, [FIRSTNAME]...
It’s the story of how I OVERCAME my CHILDHOOD TRAUMA TO meEt my soulmate... drove him away, and then healed my relationship.

After the string of horrific, violent relationships I had, I thought I would never meet him, that I was doomed to a life filled with heartache and pain.

Thankfully, that was NOT the case, but it almost was…

I had already changed many things in my life when this miracle happened.

I had built a thriving business with my cousin Amber changing thousands of people’s lives, empowering them to live their true Soul Path.

Wealth Vibration Tuning was the same program I used to do this myself, and in just 7 months! 

And Health Vibration Tuning helped me go from exhausted all the time to having vibrant health and abundant energy.
But… I was still attracting men that were horrible for me. They weren’t physically violent (thanks to using Soul Manifestation 2.0)...

They were emotionally abusive and controlling though.

After a few relationships like this, I had pretty much given up on ever having a healthy relationship.

“Maybe in my next lifetime,” I thought.

“Maybe then I’ll have a better childhood and I can actually find real love.”

Then something miraculous happened...
This healer’s name was Sophia and she was a NLP/EFT practitioner.

She lived in another state, so we had a call on Skype…

That two-hour call was a HUGE turning point in my love life (among many other things - I’ll get to that in a minute)...

It cost $1000… but it was worth every penny!

Sofia had me make a list before our call of all of my past relationships.

And rank them 1 - 10 according to how painful they were.

Paul (my former husband who sent me to the ICU) was the one that was a 10. No surprise there.
Next, she had me think of a place where I felt centered, calm, and peaceful.

She called that my anchor spot (and I picked a river near my home I went to when I needed to reflect).

Sophia used a series of EFT tapping and NLP techniques to take me deep into the pain I had experienced when I was with Paul.

I had never let myself go that deep into the pain of that relationship before.

But... I felt safe knowing she was there to help pull me back out.

And then she had me do a series of tapping on different spots on my body and head.

Next, she had me tap on my thymus gently and think of my anchor place.

We did this several times until I felt that I had fully processed the pain of that relationship.
After that call EVERYTHING shifted!
I had REAL self-esteem for the first time in my life!
I was no longer a walking doormat and was able to instantly lay down boundaries with EVERYONE in my life!
I was blown AWAY!

The boundary ability was an extra benefit I wasn’t expecting at ALL!

After that, things shifted with my love life dramatically!
About a month after my session, I felt deeply called to go to a meditation workshop in a town about 20 minutes from me.

It was for a form of chakra meditation I already knew, so it really wasn’t logical for me to go…

But… my intuition kept pulling me to go. So I did.
As soon as I walked in the room, I saw an incredibly handsome man laughing as he was having an animated conversation.
I had goosebumps and butterflies both at the same time.
The workshop was about to start, so I found an empty seat. Then he walked to the front of the room and introduced himself.

“Hi! I’m Aiden and I’ll be sharing some chakra activation techniques with you today. Are you ready?”

“YES. I am READY!” I yelled excitedly inside my head.
I didn’t learn new meditation techniques,
but I couldn’t take my eyes off Aiden.
He not only was incredibly stunning and in amazing shape, he had the most beautiful energy I had ever seen in a man!

He radiated confidence and peace and was extremely grounded and centered. I was enthralled!

I did notice that he kept smiling at me during the workshop.

And afterward, most of the women there surrounded him, asking him tons of questions.

I talked to a few other women I knew there because I didn’t want to become part of his flock of gushing admirers.

After they left, he walked over to our small group and began talking with us. And then he asked if he could speak to me alone.
He explained that he didn’t want to freak me out, but that I reminded him of a woman he had seen in a dream a few months ago.
Chills ran down my spine.
We went to a local coffee shop and talked for hours and anything and everything.

And that is how our relationship began.

We are now happily married and he is helping Amber and me with our business.

He has never once raised his voice to me. Or said a harsh word.

When we have disagreements, we calmly discuss things and come up with solutions that work for us both.
Because even though Aiden was amazing, we began having problems.

It wasn’t his fault. And I almost lost him forever.

He has never once raised his voice to me. Or said a harsh word.

He was (and is) an amazing man and partner.

But… because I hadn’t fully healed from my childhood wounds, I didn’t feel like I deserved him.

And I began doing things to (unknowingly) sabotage our relationship.

I started feeling jealous of other women he talked to...
I complained because he wasn't showing me enough affection (really just my own fear that he would leave me for another woman!)...  
I would search through his phone and computer to see what he was "up to" 

See, [Firstname]… when we don’t fully heal our childhood trauma wounds, we won’t feel we deserve our soulmate no matter how wonderful they are.

My session with Sophia helped a TON, but there were still more trauma patterns there to be healed.

When one (or both) people in a relationship still have deep unhealed trauma, then there will be major problems in their relationship.

One thing I have learned with all my research on this topic is that you cannot heal a relationship by trying to change or fix your partner.

That NEVER works!

So I decided to talk to Amber to see if she had any ideas. 

She suggested that we approach healing these wounds using the same vibrational phenomenon technology we had used for Soul Manifestation 2.0, Wealth Vibration Tuning, and Health Vibration Tuning.
“If it can work for health and abundance, it CAN work for relationships too,” she said.
So we began creating this program, one part at a time. And I was the guinea pig.

And it worked!

It helped remove my remaining trauma programming related to self-love and romantic relationships.

I now no longer do things to sabotage my relationship because I did the deep inner work required to heal my heart.

And that shifted everything.

We are now happily married and he is helping Amber and me with our business.

When we have disagreements, we calmly discuss things and come up with solutions that work for us both.
And I am so grateful. And happy.

I wanted to share this kind of powerful transformation with my Soul Manifestation members so they could have these huge breakthroughs with their love life as well.
But I knew that $1000 for a private session with Sophia was NOT something many people could afford.
So Aiden, Amber, and I decided to create something with the same transformative effect that WAS affordable.
And You’re About To RECEIVE ACCESS to It!
We decided to call it Relationship Vibration Tuning, and it uses the same Vibrational Sound Technology as Soul Manifestation 2.0…

It heals the traumatic programs that are preventing you from having the easy, empowering, fulfilling relationship you’ve barely dared to dream of!

And in just 21 magical days of deeply healing, trauma-erasing, and positive script replacing audios in an easy-to-use audio program.

I'm confident YOUR love life will transform, too... In fact, I GUARANTEE IT!

Here’s what’s included in Relationship Vibration Tuning:
You will enter a deep, meditative trance that allows you to connect deeply with your trauma wounds so you can remove them.

And you’ll be GUIDED into a healing environment that give you full control over your heart, replacing negative love pattern scripts with positive ones.

You will experience a soft, relaxing state, full of deep, healing heart-centered energy.
This week, you will discover your own center within your heart... and begin GROWING YOUR SELF CONFIDENCE

You’ll fill yourself with powerful, healing energy that gives you the true self-love you need to have a healthy relationship.

Here you'll learn tricks and techniques to stay away from arguments and feelings of low self worth that do nothing but sabotage you and your relationship! 
In the final week, you’ll take control of your internal love scripts and allow only positive feelings and thoughts regarding love to enter your heart and manifest in your mind.

You'll also learn ways of keeping your relationship fresh and EXCITING so neither of you ever get bored or feel the magic has faded.  
Self-confidence, self-love, and firm boundaries are the keys to an amazing relationship with your soulmate.
To have a healthy relationship, you must first heal your own heart.

And you must remove your childhood trauma wounds that are keeping you locked into negative relationship patterns that lead to heartache again and again.

Only then can you begin to attract the type of relationship that will be full of joy instead of pain.

And you can do this with Relationship Vibration Tuning within just a few minutes.
When you begin you will notice your heart healing and your self-love blossoming like a beautiful flower.
You Can Get Full Access to Relationship Vibration Tuning for Less Than Dinner & a Movie to Begin Healing Your Heart & Moving Toward the Relationship of Your Dreams For $22.22!
I want to share something important with you, [FIRSTNAME]

You cannot create the relationship you want by trying to “fix” or change someone else!

It just won’t work!

You must do the deep inner work required to heal yourself unless you want to keep attracting broken partners into your life.
We attract what we are.
And until you heal your own heart, your own mother and father wounds, you will only attract partners who are also not healed and whole.

But once you begin to Love yourself deeply, you'll notice your partner begins to do the same they just can't help it, as if by magic! 
And the powerfully transformative Relationship Vibration Tuning program will help you do that over the next 3 weeks..

And all I ask in return for giving you this limited-time offer is that you send me a short email telling me about how your love life is changing.

Specifically, I want to know how it impacts your self-confidence, feelings of self-love, relationship boundaries, and relationship intuition.

If you can do that for me, I’ll let you in for just a fraction of the retail price.
Because this is a new program, you’re getting an amazing deal on it.
In exchange for your 75% off discount,
all I ask is that you send me a quick email to tell me
about how your heart is healing and your love life is changing.
And most of all, I’d love to receive a photo of you smiling with your soulmate.
As I’ve said before, generosity is a HUGE KEY to manifestation, so I want to share a few extra gifts with you today, [FIRSTNAME]...
Abundant Love Affirmations Audios
for Your 21-Day Journey
(Free Gift Worth $77)
These powerful audios use guided meditation, visualization, and affirmations to align your heart with your mind and desires.

By listening to these abundant love affirmations during your 3-week program, you will remove deep trauma patterns and replace them with positive love scripts.

You can naturally trigger a powerful transformation in your heart with this free bonus gift today.
Relationship Reset Audios
(Normally $44)
If you are currently in a relationship, this transformative program will help you do the deep inner work to either heal your relationship or move on so you can attract your soulmate if you are not with the right person.

And if you are not in a relationship…

It will help you to heal your heart so you are ready for your soulmate relationship when that person enters your life.

You won’t believe how much more empowered you feel to have the relationship of your dreams after listening to this FREE 3-week bonus program! (Retail price: $44.)

Oh, and there’s another gift for you, [FIRSTNAME]
Relationship Reinvention Handbook
(Usually $33 - yours free!)
These exercises help you deepen the experience of the audios to create more profound change in your relationship scripts.

If you are in a relationship and your partner is open to growth, these exercises will empower you to restore your relationship and reinvent it in a way that works beautifully for you both.

But… if your partner isn’t open OR you are single, this will help you heal your heart so you are prepared to meet someone who is truly aligned with you, your life, and your Soul Path.

And… if you’re keeping track, that’s $154 in free gifts...

But only if you get the Relationship Vibration Tuning program right now!
Here’s what people who have used Relationship Vibration Tuning have said about this program so far:
Relationship Vibration Tuning Member
I was alone for over a year. I couldn't go out on dates and felt nervous that men wouldn't find me attractive, or fun to be around. I was stuck and almost gave up on the idea of meeting "mr right". Well, not anymore! I used this program and it helped me find the courage to put myself out there and hold my head up high. Now I am loved and adored by the man I want to be with, I'm eternally grateful. 
Minnie P.
Relationship Vibration Tuning Member
I used this program to leave an unhealthy relationship I'd been stuck in for over 5 years. It was scary for me, why I chose to stay but after this course I began to see myself differently and FEEL WORTHY of a man that truly appreciated me. Because of this, I have two men chasing me and both of them are so nice it's been a dream come true! 
Karen M.
Yes, You Still Get a 365-Day
Money-Back Guarantee!
Just because this program is new and VERY afforable doesn’t mean you don’t get the same 365-day money-back guarantee.

All you have to do is sign up today to get it for just $22.22.

And you have 365 days to try it out, risk-free.

A healthy relationship is one of the most rewarding forms of abundance you can experience in your life, [FIRSTNAME]...
Relationship Vibration Tuning has helped many of our members to heal their hearts so they can now
experience the beautiful, deeply-connected, heart-centered relationship they’ve always dream of!
Just click the button below to get started now on moving toward the wonderful relationship you deeply desire and deserve, [FIRSTNAME]...
Regular Price $97, Today $22.22
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