Judgment – Ruled by Pluto

Judgment – Ruled by Pluto

Renewal · Decision-making · Achievement · Awakening · Better Health

You are at a point when you might need to make a change or transition in your life based on logic. 

You could also encounter a challenge that requires some adjustments to conquer.

You’ll likely need to let things go that are preventing you from moving forward in your life so you can move toward a much better future.

This is also a time when plans made long ago could finally become real. Use logic instead of intuition to make any decisions at this time. 

Changes you make now can have a huge impact on the next phase of your life.

The Empress – Ruled by Venus

The Empress – Ruled by Venus

Innovation · Action · Accomplishment · Mother figures · Evolution

{FIRSTNAME}, you need to be patient and allow your dreams time to mature before they can take root. 

Focus on your feminine, maternal energy and be nurturing to others, especially children in your life.

You might even find out that someone close to you is pregnant. This card also indicates relationship and family harmony.

You might begin an artistic or creative project at this time that will take a while to complete, but will be very successful for you, {FIRSTNAME}.

The Tower – Ruled by Mars

The Tower – Ruled by Mars

Annihilation · Drastic changes · Defeat and desolation · New beginnings · Sudden events

Don’t panic, {FIRSTNAME}. Yes, this card doesn’t sound good, but you can leverage this energy if you know what to do with it.

For something new and better to come into your life, you must let go of something that isn’t as great for you. 

So, yes, you will experience some type of sudden loss or conflict, but it will make room for something that is far more wonderful. So don’t get scared by this change, {FIRSTNAME}.

Instead of focusing on an event that may seem traumatic, let it go so you can open yourself up to a more positive future in its place.

The Sun – Ruled by The Sun

The Sun – Ruled by The Sun

Satisfaction · Accomplishment · Success · Productiveness · Happiness 

I’m so happy for you, {FIRSTNAME}! This is YOUR time to shine!

You are in a time when it will be much easier to achieve your goals if you put in the effort to make them real.

Stay confident and don’t be afraid to share your gifts with the world right now, even if you get a lot of attention by doing so.

Just shine like the beautiful Sun that you are! 

This is a time of great abundance for you, {FIRSTNAME}.

Everything will be wonderful. Don’t doubt yourself or hold back. Go for it!

Wheel of Fortune – Ruled by Jupiter

Wheel of Fortune – Ruled by Jupiter

Transformation · Fate · Luck · Cycles of Life · New Directions

Congratulations, {FIRSTNAME}! Good luck is in the cards for you!

You might get unexpected opportunities or financial rewards at this time. 

You are entering a time in your life where things will fall easily into place for you.

This is a time for new positive beginnings, but you might not have much control over how this happens. 

Focus on what you can control and go with the flow on what you can’t for the best results, {FIRSTNAME}.

The High Priestess – Ruled by The Moon

The High Priestess – Ruled by The Moon

Feminine Energy · Wisdom · Intuition · Empathetic · Virtue

It is important to pay attention to your dreams right now, {FIRSTNAME}.

This is a time when you might receive powerful messages from the Universe in your dreams. So keep a notepad and pen by your bed to jot them down.

You could have an important decision to make at this time that requires acquiring some knowledge you don’t yet have.

You need to pay more attention to your intuition than to logic right now. Use your heart, not your head.

A person who is close to you may lend a helping hand by sharing their intuitive insights with you soon.

Also be aware that there could be hidden influences or information that you don’t see right now, so be a bit cautious and trust your instincts, {FIRSTNAME}.

The Magician – Ruled by Mercury

The Magician – Ruled by Mercury

Self-confidence · Originality · Skillfulness · Mastery · Gifted & Adept

This card presents a powerful opportunity for you, {FIRSTNAME}!

You will soon be receiving powerful gifts from the Universe. 

Your gift might be a new idea you can create, a solution for a problem that has been bothering you, a new job opportunity, or a new romantic interest.

If you stay confident in your actions and stay focused on your ideas, you can have immense success in bringing your ideas into reality. 

This requires you to apply your ideas in a practical concrete way, instead of just theorizing or dreaming about them.

If you use your communication skills intelligently and stay determined on your path, you will have great success in endeavors you undertake at this time in your life, {FIRSTNAME}.

The Fool Card – Ruled by Uranus

The Fool Card – Ruled by Uranus

Easy-going · Thoughtlessness · Critical decisions · New Adventures · Pleasure

One of the most powerful cards in Tarot, The Fool represents endings of old things in your life so you can begin anew. 

Something in your life is about to change, {FIRSTNAME}.

You are at a point in your life when you have challenging, yet important, decisions to make. 

These changes may include some risk so make sure to have a positive mindset so you receive the best outcome possible.

To achieve this it is critical to stay focused, pay attention, and not get distracted by daydreams. 

If you do this, you will be rewarded with wonderful opportunities and possibilities that are truly limitless! 

If you don’t, you could literally end up looking like a fool. So make sure to pay attention to everything to everything you do and don’t get complacent or careless, {FIRSTNAME}!